Doug has been a mentor, teacher, support and friend in different seasons of my life, my family, and my ministry. He actually lives what he is preaching; teaching by example.
Kristaps Aboltins
There are many bible teachers that bless the Body of Christ, and some present God’s truth in a way that penetrates and increases your hunger for more. Doug’s teaching is a loving invitation to a banquet table of God’s truth; an invitation that you cannot resist because it’s personal, welcoming and something to respond to.
Sasha Rodionov
Doug brings healing and inner restoration to the people he meets. His genuine love and willingness to bring them God’s answer has impacted many lives. He is a big blessing for Latvia and the churches here.
Victor Volchenko
We had the blessing of meeting Doug many years ago during one of his trips to Latvia. Since then he has become a close friend and a mentor. Always the right word at the right time; we continuously thank God for his life and his essential input in our lives and ministry.