We spent an extended time during the beginning of 2010 helping to establish a church plant in Botswana, Africa.
As part of a joint effort with friend Michael Tomasulo who heads Evangelistic Ministries International (EMI), we helped confirm the local pastor, secured a facility and vehicle, along with serving other nearby ministries and churches at the time.
Since that time Christ the Rock Community Church has grown and expanded several more church plants and with a children’s ministry called Gabriele’s House that feeds and ministers to children in 5 locations, a bible/discipling school, ministry in local schools and other outreaches. Pastor G. Kiti and his wife have done a wonderful job, along with the faithful ministry of Scott and Alanna Jennings from the States.
We are currently building a facility in Mosolotshane to serve as a community center housing, in addition to a church, another Gabriele’s House Children’s location, and a food and clothing distribution. Services are already taking place at the site during construction. Our hope is to complete construction by late 2023.
We help provide monthly financial support and online encouragement in addition to our ministry when visiting the country.